Take the F**king day BACK 💁‍♀️

Have you ever woke up in an AMAZING mood… or even just a decent mood, fairly ready to take on the day only for it to fizzle out faster than situationships from your 20s?

I have. Today actually.

But, then I said something to myself and was so shocked by my own inner narrative that I had to write it down lol

It’s only 9:22am as I’m writing this. I’ve been up for about 5 hours (the most major morning person to have ever morninged)


I have fairly strict rules with myself around social media. I don’t go on until 9am (Im up by 430/5), I’m off it from 12-3pm, then from 630pm until bed I’ll only check once.

Why do I do it? Because I’ve noticed how BAD my brain gets when I sit and scroll. It especially throws my WHOLE DAY OFF if I check IG before 9am.

Welp… guess what I did.

I checked.

Because I was getting anxious about posting the “ChatGPT roast the types“ post for today, but wanted to check the poll from my stories the day before FIRST.

I ended up in the scroll of doom - starting my anxiety dark and early, before the sun even rose.

I VERY, VERY easily could have said “fuck this day”, smoked 3 or 12 bowls, and started by doom scrolling journey into the depths of the internet..

Instead though?

My brain was actually like - “hold the fuck up. It doesn’t have to be like this. Take today back”.

This happened as I was putting my coat back on the hook after smoking bowl 1/12 btw. So, thanks for the reset, devils lettuce?????

That thought though. That “It doesn’t have to be like this. Take. Today. Back.” is 100000% not something 2022 Candice could have done.

2020 Candice could only think in her wildest dreams.

2015 Candice wouldn’t have thought was even a thing.

THAT’S the beauty in self-awareness. It creeps in on you… but not in a Joe Goldberg type of way.

Little by little you start noticing things about yourself. You start actually NOTICING your thoughts vs just having them race. You start noticing how your body FEELS when shits just..off. You start to understand the WHY behind it all.

Then? You can start to choose different - like I did!

Being an Enneagram Coach doesn’t make you immune to being human. I’m gonna have shit ass days, moods, and moments - just like anyone else.

I’ve had to learn to choose differently in moments like these. I’ve had to learn to not let my brain ruin my day. I’ve had to learn to NOTICE + UNDERSTAND my needs and where they stem from.

So… if you’re having a “fuck this day” moment like I was?

Remember there are other moments to this day.

Is it the morning? Pfft, it’s only the first half. Make the 2nd half great! Is it afternoon? Turn your evening into a DAMN GEM. Already bedtime? Have the most LAVISH evening routine you can.

Do WHAT you can, WHEN you can - you have the power more often than you think!



My personal flashing “green light” 🚦


An Enneagram One taught me to embrace imperfection.