My personal flashing “green light” 🚦
In case you haven’t noticed.. I have a penchant for watching.. and rewatching.. and rewatching my old fave sitcoms over and over.
It wasn’t until my early 30s that I learned it had something to do with anxiety. Don’t quote me on this, google it hahaha Something about knowing the ending? I’m no doctor hahaha
Anywho… it’s REALLY fucking hard for me to get into new shows. Especially when they’re popular.
Enter: White Lotus.
It’s been a couple years now since it came out. People seem to love it .. but there’s something within me that is like “mmm nope. New things no thanks. Where’s New Girl? Big Bang Theory?”
Well, I’m 3-4 episodes deep now and it reminded me.. this is a GOOD sign.
When I ACTIVELY seek out shows that I’ve never seen? That’s me stepping out of my comfort zone.. in a weird way.
I talk A LOT about self awareness.. I mean I am a self awareness coach and all that. 😅 It can kinda come across that I talk mostly about the not so great things within ourselves.
I mean, fair. It’s true to some extent. The bad stuff needs to be acknowledged if we want to change it, right?
There’s a positive side though!!
As time goes by, start to notice the things you gravitate towards when you’re in a good mental state.
Do you crave vegetables?
Do you want to cook more?
Does your screen time go down?
The more you notice the good things, the more they’ll make you smile. We seriously need to learn to celebrate the small wins.
Even wins as small as choosing something other than The Office on Netflix.
What is a small win you can celebrate today?
What are some “green lights” that show you that you’re in a good place?
I wanna hear!