WHY Enneagram?
I‘ll be the first to admit.. I was the biggest twat you could ever stumble upon.
I still have some twatendencies…
But, I didn’t mean to be like that.
I used to think I was SOOOO self aware.
I thought there was always a reasonable answer for anything I did or said.
I thought life was shitting on me because I had “bad luck”.
What I had? A bad attitude, warped perspective, autopilot patterns that sucked, and little awareness of my impact .. regardless of my intent.
Long story short - Enneagram helped me realize that I might be the reason for some of my problems, but I was also the solution for majority of my problems. (The first world ones.. you know.. the dumb ones that could easily be solved).
Now? I coach people WORLDWIDE on how to do the same thing. To quit c*ckblocking their own success/happiness like I was mine.
Shoot the Schitt’s Creek Enneagram inside SSC!
Shoot the Schitt’s Creek Enneagram inside SSC!
Imagine…..a virtual book club.. but with TV shows.. and with an Enneagram Subtypes Spin?! YOU DON’T HAVE TO BECAUSE IT EXISTS AND I CREATED IT!
March = Schitt’s Creek
April = Ted Lasso
May = You decide!
Want to Work Together?
Email Me!